Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Will 'Mainstream' Historian David Goldfield Be the Next Target . . .

. . . of the professional haters and libelers at the Southern Poverty Law Center? He recently published an essay based on his new book, America Aflame, that agrees with me, Clyde Wilson, Murray Rothbard, Donald Livingston, Marshal DeRosa, Brion McClanahan, Tom Woods, and other like-minded scholars on the subject of Lincoln and the War [...]

omardeen school

1 comment:

  1. The bottom line at the SPLC is always the bottom line.

    If they think they can make a tax-free donor-dollar by selling their mostly elderly donor base a line about "hate" you can believe they will do it.

    The SPLC currently takes in more than $106,000 tax-free dollars a day, every day, which works out to just over $4,400 an hour.

    Of course, this doesn't include the interest they make on their bloated, quarter-BILLION dollar "Endowment Fund"

    There's a lot of money to be made peddling "hate" propaganda.
